Saturday, August 04, 2007

ハミングバード (Hummingbird)

My daughter took me to a casino again. Today, I spent about 70 dollars but I played for 4 hours so I came back very satisfied. There are many varieties of games there. Of course, if you bet more, you can win larger - but you don't get to win so often. I like to play cheap slots like 5 cents slot and play for a long time. After I came home, from a window, I saw a hummingbird flying around the flowers. I got a camera and took some pictures. I don't think the picture was that great but at least I was happy that I can see there is a bird in the picture.

Friday, August 03, 2007

プール (pool)

My daughter, my grandson and I went to a wave pool in a big metro park. It's about 45 km from the house and took 40 minutes to get there. There are hiking trek, golf course, etc. in the park. There is also a nice view of Lake Erie. The entrance fee of the pool was $4.00 per person. About once every 10 minutes, the "waves" came and everybody including adults and children were riding those waves in a big rental tube and having a fun. On the way home, we stopped by IKEA to have $1.00 frozen yogurt. That was mighty delicious.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

ゲーム (board game)

孫は非常に元気である。ゲームが飽きたら爺レスリングと来る。最近はテレビでのninja warrior(サスケ)の真似をして窓の桟につかまって歩く練習や回転したり、一日中動き回っている。夜はサイコロゲームをやるのだと、家族全員を誘う。身体を動かすより、頭を使うのが好きだと思っていたのだが、そうでもなく、両方のようである。
My grandson is very energetic. When he gets tired what he is doing, he always comes to me to wrestle with me. These days, he often "trains" himself to be a Ninja Warrior (from TV). He walked on a window sill for a balance training, and tumbled around here and there. At night, he announced that he wanted to play Yahtzee and asked all the member of the family to play with him. I know he likes to use his brain to do something but I realized he also likes to do something physical.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

写真 (picture)

今日は、裏庭で暑い日差しを避けて孫とフロスビーで遊んだり、家の中ではWiiで野球ゲームをし、パソコンルームで、孫はコンピュータゲーム私は日本の情報をパソコンで見ていた。一服しにテラスに出て見たら又ウサギが居たので写真を撮った。先日撮ったのがぼけていたので、チャンスを待っていた。 何とかリスとハミングバードも写真に撮りたいのですが、すばしっこくて撮ることが出来ません。
Today, I played a big Frisbee with my grandson in the backyard (in the shade, of course). Inside house, we played the baseball in Wii, then he played a PC game and I surfed Japanese web. When I went to the deck to smoke, I saw a bunny again so I took a picture. Last time the picture was blurry so I was waiting this opportunity. I also want to take some picture of a squirrel, and a humming bird. But they move too quick.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

お休み (take it easy)

I haven't gone out anywhere for two or three days so I don't have anything to write. My daughter and my son-in-law went to work. My grandson stayed home with me. This week, the temperature is pretty high so I don't feel like going anywhere. I took this picture when it's cool down in the evening. They were playing with a big Frisbee.