Tomorrow, I am leaving Detroit. I am supposed to arrive in Japan on Aug. 9. I experienced a lot of things in this trip. Two months past so quickly for me. During two months, my grandson and I got very close and I really had a fun. I also have another grandchild in Japan. She is in 2nd grade and very cute. Someday I want to bring her here, too. But she is still small. Maybe when she can do many more things by herself, I can bring her here. This is the end of my blog. Thanks!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
帰国準備 (preparing to leave)
Tomorrow, I am leaving Detroit. I am supposed to arrive in Japan on Aug. 9. I experienced a lot of things in this trip. Two months past so quickly for me. During two months, my grandson and I got very close and I really had a fun. I also have another grandchild in Japan. She is in 2nd grade and very cute. Someday I want to bring her here, too. But she is still small. Maybe when she can do many more things by herself, I can bring her here. This is the end of my blog. Thanks!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ハミングバード (Hummingbird)

My daughter took me to a casino again. Today, I spent about 70 dollars but I played for 4 hours so I came back very satisfied. There are many varieties of games there. Of course, if you bet more, you can win larger - but you don't get to win so often. I like to play cheap slots like 5 cents slot and play for a long time. After I came home, from a window, I saw a hummingbird flying around the flowers. I got a camera and took some pictures. I don't think the picture was that great but at least I was happy that I can see there is a bird in the picture.
Friday, August 03, 2007
プール (pool)
My daughter, my grandson and I went to a wave pool in a big metro park. It's about 45 km from the house and took 40 minutes to get there. There are hiking trek, golf course, etc. in the park. There is also a nice view of Lake Erie. The entrance fee of the pool was $4.00 per person. About once every 10 minutes, the "waves" came and everybody including adults and children were riding those waves in a big rental tube and having a fun. On the way home, we stopped by IKEA to have $1.00 frozen yogurt. That was mighty delicious.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
ゲーム (board game)
孫は非常に元気である。ゲームが飽きたら爺レスリングと来る。最近はテレビでのninja warrior(サスケ)の真似をして窓の桟につかまって歩く練習や回転したり、一日中動き回っている。夜はサイコロゲームをやるのだと、家族全員を誘う。身体を動かすより、頭を使うのが好きだと思っていたのだが、そうでもなく、両方のようである。
My grandson is very energetic. When he gets tired what he is doing, he always comes to me to wrestle with me. These days, he often "trains" himself to be a Ninja Warrior (from TV). He walked on a window sill for a balance training, and tumbled around here and there. At night, he announced that he wanted to play Yahtzee and asked all the member of the family to play with him. I know he likes to use his brain to do something but I realized he also likes to do something physical.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
写真 (picture)
今日は、裏庭で暑い日差しを避けて孫とフロスビーで遊んだり、家の中ではWiiで野球ゲームをし、パソコンルームで、孫はコンピュータゲーム私は日本の情報をパソコンで見ていた。一服しにテラスに出て見たら又ウサギが居たので写真を撮った。先日撮ったのがぼけていたので、チャンスを待っていた。 何とかリスとハミングバードも写真に撮りたいのですが、すばしっこくて撮ることが出来ません。
Today, I played a big Frisbee with my grandson in the backyard (in the shade, of course). Inside house, we played the baseball in Wii, then he played a PC game and I surfed Japanese web. When I went to the deck to smoke, I saw a bunny again so I took a picture. Last time the picture was blurry so I was waiting this opportunity. I also want to take some picture of a squirrel, and a humming bird. But they move too quick.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
お休み (take it easy)
I haven't gone out anywhere for two or three days so I don't have anything to write. My daughter and my son-in-law went to work. My grandson stayed home with me. This week, the temperature is pretty high so I don't feel like going anywhere. I took this picture when it's cool down in the evening. They were playing with a big Frisbee.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
市民マラソン (running race)
Today, we, four of us, participated one of the running races which were sponsered by a running store. This was the same park we went on June 23. The participants were from about 4 years old to maybe about 70-years-old. There were 1.6 km (1 mile) run and 8 km run and we participated with 1 mile fun run. My grandson and my son-in-law were running from beginning and they were at the goal before me. I walked most of the way. But from the middle the course, I raced with a girl about 6-7 years old of age. She was faster than me. I couldn't keep up with her. We payed some money to enter this race but the money went toward a good cause. After the race, there was a party and they served us drinks (beer, too!), ice cream, cookies, pizza and etc.
Friday, July 27, 2007
カジノ (casino)
My daughter was off today so she took me to a casino in Detroit. The place we went was "MGM" casino. MGM is a famous casino company. There is one in Las Vegas as well. It was Friday but quite busy there. I am sure it's really busy in the weekends. There are slot machines, poker tables, roulette, etc. I tried slot machines. The bet amount was different from machines to machines. For example, there were slot machines for 2 cents, 5 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 dollars. Since I wanted to spend a long time there, I picked 5 cent machines. The slot machines are different from those in Japan. They were very easy to play. I spent 60 dollars and played for about 2 and half hours. I'd love to go there again. We couldn't take a picture inside the casino so the picture I put up was the view from outside.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
料理 (cooking)
Went a place called "Dinner Thyme". There are several "food preparation" stations in Dinner Thyme. At each station, there were ingredients (including condiments) for food, measurement spoons/cups. We just followed a recipe and mix up some ingredients and move on to a next station to do the same thing for another recipe until we finished. There were beef, pork, chicken, fish and spaghetti recipes when we were there (14 different recipes). We made 8 different recipes to take home (in less than 1 hours!) When we brought them back home, we put them in a freezer. We don't eat all 8 of them at once (1 recipe is approximately for 4-6 servings). We freeze them, and the day we want to eat, take one from a freezer and cook it (with over, stove, etc.) according to an instruction.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
レスリング (wrestling)
A Japanese TV program called "Sasuke" is showing here in US as a "Ninja Warrior" (G4 channel). "Ninja Warrior" is on at 6:00 PM weekday and my grandson really likes to watch the show. He's really into the show and always cheers all the contestants. These days, when he goes to a play scape, he says he is "practicing" for "Ninja Warrior". It's his dream to participate Ninja Warrior as a contestant. Every day when I am relaxing, he comes over says, "Gigi. Wrestling!" and attacks me. Even though he is still very light, I get really tired after a long battle with my grandson.
Monday, July 23, 2007
テレビ観賞 (watching TV)
Today, my daughter and my son-in-law went to work and my grandson went to a day camp. Here when somebody said "summer camp", it's not necessarily an "over-night" camp. During summer, when the kids participates some special classes, I guess they call a "camp". My grandson is taking a "bug" camp this week and he is learning about bugs. I stayed home. I didn't have much to do so I watched TV. Just so happened, it was showing "Miyamoto Musashi" in which Toshiro Mihune was the main cast. This movie is really long - it has three main stories. I watched the movie in Japanese for about four hours. (sorry, I don't have any pictures today)
Today, my daughter and my son-in-law went to work and my grandson went to a day camp. Here when somebody said "summer camp", it's not necessarily an "over-night" camp. During summer, when the kids participates some special classes, I guess they call a "camp". My grandson is taking a "bug" camp this week and he is learning about bugs. I stayed home. I didn't have much to do so I watched TV. Just so happened, it was showing "Miyamoto Musashi" in which Toshiro Mihune was the main cast. This movie is really long - it has three main stories. I watched the movie in Japanese for about four hours. (sorry, I don't have any pictures today)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
散髪 (hair cut)
It's Sunday. Everybody was doing what he/she couldn't do during the weekday. I decided to surf the Internet. I read about the news, sports and etc. In the evening, my son-in-law decided to cut my grandson's hair. When my grandson was really small, he cried a lot at a salon. So since then, my son-in-law has been cutting his hair. I impressed by my son-in-law's skill and the tool. My grandson also sat quietly and let him cut his hair. It finished before too long.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
靴置き場所 (shoe place - mud room)
My daughter decided to clean up the shoes storage area so we went to the furniture store I wrote the other day. The main purpose of going there was to buy some storage shelves for shoes and also to eat 99 cents breakfast in the cafeteria. The 99 cents breakfast includes scrambled eggs and potatoes. It wasn't enough so I got one more side dish. That made me pretty full. The shelves were assembly-required so three of them (my daughter, my son-in-law and my grandson) were putting them together. In the end, I thought the new shelves look nice.
Friday, July 20, 2007
自動車工場見学 (Car Factory Tour)
Went to Ford Rouge Factory Tour with my daughter and my grandson. The tour bus leaves every 30 minutes. We bought tickets for 1:30 PM tour. The bus took us to the factory. First we saw a movie about Ford history in a big screen. Then, we watched how a car makes in a virtual reality theater with sounds, smell, etc. Then, we went to a self-guided factory tour. We saw the final assembly portion. Car's bodies and doors were moving and we saw the workers were putting small parts on them. I couldn't see a whole process but big parts are probably assembled by some robots. I couldn't believe how huge the place was.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
ダウンタウン (Downtown Plymouth)
Went to downtown Plymouth with my daughter and my grandson. It only took 15 minutes to get there by car. I've been here when there was an art festival but today it's pretty quiet. There are a quite numbers of shops here. In this downtown, there is another coffee shop which has a large play scape for kids. While my grandson was playing at the play scape, a severe thunderstorm past through. It rained very hard and it was very windy. I was glad I wasn't outside. At the coffee shop, TV was on and it flashed a warning telling us not be close to windows. But after 30 minutes or so, the storm went away and then the sun was shining. The weather here is very unpredictable...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
バーベキュー (BBQ)
My daughter's husband had to go to Kansas City this past weekend. From Detroit to Kansas City, it takes about 1.5 hours by airplane and 12 hours by driving. Right before he left Kansas City, he bought some BBQ and brought them home (see picture). "Kansas City BBQ" is quite famous and reasonably priced (2 ribs - about 5,000 yen. Note, only 1 rib is in the picture). The one in the picture is a pork rib with bones. It really tastes good - I can't believe "pork" is this good. I am not a big fan of "pork" but this is probably the best pork I have ever tasted in my life. I'd like to eat it again but unfortunately Kansas City is not really close from here...
家具屋 (Furniture store)
Went shopping to buy a table lamp and batteries with my daughter and my grandson. The store I went was really huge and it sells the furniture and all the household goods. Many of the big furniture are assembly required. They are stored at a huge shelf which is about 10 meter high. Also, the store carries shelves, tableware, bedding, lighting, decorations, etc. They were displayed neatly. The store was so huge and I felt lost. While we were shopping, my grandson went to a kid's play area. This is a supervised play area and the parents can drop off the kids for 1 hour while shopping. There is a big restaurant upstairs which is convenient to the shoppers.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
パソコン (PC)
My daughter and her husband went to work so I babysat my grandson. It was raining all day today. Since I came here, there was never a day "raining all day". Every time it rained, it rained a lot but stopped sometime later. In the morning, my grandson and I watched TV and playing around. But we got bored so we went to a den upstairs. There, my grandson was playing some PC games and I read Japanese news and sports news in the Internet. I learned that there was a big earthquake in Niigata, and there were a lot of damages. My thoughts goes people who experienced this tragedy.
Monday, July 16, 2007
陪審員 (Jury duty)
These days, a lot of people in Japan have been talking about a public "jury system". As you know, a public jury system has been established in U.S. Today my daughter (who became an American citizen a couple of years ago) had to go to a court house because she got summoned. According to my daughter, about 100 people were called and filled out some questionnaires. In the end, I guess about 20 people were selected to be a jury for this particular trial. The people who have been selected had to be at this trial for about a week. My daughter was glad that she wasn't selected.
These days, a lot of people in Japan have been talking about a public "jury system". As you know, a public jury system has been established in U.S. Today my daughter (who became an American citizen a couple of years ago) had to go to a court house because she got summoned. According to my daughter, about 100 people were called and filled out some questionnaires. In the end, I guess about 20 people were selected to be a jury for this particular trial. The people who have been selected had to be at this trial for about a week. My daughter was glad that she wasn't selected.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
マクドナルド (McDonald's)
Went to McDonald's with my daughter and my grandson. I saw some people came inside and ordered a take-out and some people used a drive-through. We decided to eat inside because there is also a play scape for kids. The food seems cheaper and bigger here, although I don't eat at McDonald's in Japan so I don't know if I should compare the differences in the taste and the size between McDonald's in Japan and here. But at least you can get all-you-can-drink if you eat inside, and I don't think that's true at McDonald's in Japan. (Sorry, I don't have any pictures today).
Went to McDonald's with my daughter and my grandson. I saw some people came inside and ordered a take-out and some people used a drive-through. We decided to eat inside because there is also a play scape for kids. The food seems cheaper and bigger here, although I don't eat at McDonald's in Japan so I don't know if I should compare the differences in the taste and the size between McDonald's in Japan and here. But at least you can get all-you-can-drink if you eat inside, and I don't think that's true at McDonald's in Japan. (Sorry, I don't have any pictures today).
Saturday, July 14, 2007
芝刈り (mowing)
The grass grew tall. Since my knee's feeling well, I decided to mow today. The mower has an engine but I had to push it. It took about 1 hour to mow the yard but it looked good after I did it. In the afternoon, we went to the arcade game places. Once again, everything in America is big, so the place we went there was not exception. There were many video games and some tables so the families can eat and drink there. I saw some birthday parties going on there. My grandson tried many games and got some "points". Those "points" can be exchanged with toys. I was impressed that the security was pretty tight there to enter the place. I guess the security was there to prevent a kidnapping. On the way home, we stopped by the library. My grandson played with a computer game again. This library is also big. There is a place for children's section and people can check out books and movies.
Friday, July 13, 2007
テレビ (TV)
I was bored today so I decided to watch some TV. Of course, since I can't speak English, I don't understand most of the programs. But I was surprised to see the numbers of channels we have here. I've never actually counted but I think there are at least 100 channels. Many of them are "speciality" channels like news, weather, traffic information, drama, quiz, variety, sports, shopping, movie, etc. I don't know why we don't have many channels like this in Japan? I watched a Japanese movie today. It was "Yatsu Haka Mura" (produced in 1977). Of course it was in Japanese. I found one channel which shows Japanese movies and Hong-Kong movies alternatively, and if a movie seems to be interesting to me, I watch. The old movie is interesting to me and makes me nostalgic.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
コーヒー店 (coffee shop)
My daughter decided to take my grandson to a coffee shop which has a big jungle gym so I went with them. The place had a huge play scape. Children were going up and down and running around all over. Their parents were relaxing and talking to the friends while shipping some drinks. It required an entree fee for children but it's free for adults to enter. Of course, you have to pay for drink - but coffee was all-you-can-drink and only cost about 150 yen. They also sell some food and cookies but it's reasonably priced. It's a good place for moms who have small children.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
菜園 (garden)
In our backyard, there is a vegetable garden which my daughter's family made. While I water the grass everyday , I also water squash, tomato, zucchini, corn, green bean plants. Since the sun has been shining every day, and I watered diligently every day, they have been growing well. We harvested some green beans today. Maybe within a week, we can harvest some tomatos and a zucchini. It's not a big garden so we can't get a lot of vegetable but we still have a fun time growing and harvest our home-grown food.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
When I finished watering the yard, I didn't have anything else so I was at the deck relaxing. But it's really hot today... the sun's very strong. Once again, some 5-6 wasps flew around me. There were so many wasps around here. The spray for wasps are sold at near-by stores. I decided to kill some of them. I head a can of a spray on one hand. When I saw wasps, I sprayed them but it didn't hit that well. But at least I killed three of them. Some wasps fell immediately when the spray hit them but others just flew away. After a while, there were only few wasps. I will check them again tomorrow.
Monday, July 09, 2007
裏庭 (backyard)
We have a lot of animals in our backyard. Many birds come to visit us - for example, ducks, woodpeckers,cardinals, hummingbirds, and other birds I don't know their names of. I sit at the deck and I don't get tired of looking outside. But the sun is really strong daytime and I get bitten by mosquitoes at night so I can't just sit and relax there. Early evening, I saw two bunnies eating the grass so I took some pictures. After the sun went down, I drank some whiskeys while looking at some fireflies. The glass got empty really quickly so I got another one, and another one... I got drunk. And, of course, a mosquito got me, too.
We have a lot of animals in our backyard. Many birds come to visit us - for example, ducks, woodpeckers,cardinals, hummingbirds, and other birds I don't know their names of. I sit at the deck and I don't get tired of looking outside. But the sun is really strong daytime and I get bitten by mosquitoes at night so I can't just sit and relax there. Early evening, I saw two bunnies eating the grass so I took some pictures. After the sun went down, I drank some whiskeys while looking at some fireflies. The glass got empty really quickly so I got another one, and another one... I got drunk. And, of course, a mosquito got me, too.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
水遊び (Pool Play)
It was really hot today but my son-in-law started mowing early afternoon. I wanted to help him but I had a knee pain so I decided not to. There was an "air show" near the house so we saw fighter planes flying above our head with roaring sounds. I was going to take a picture of them but the planes flew too fast. After my son-in-law mowed the grass, my grandson and his friend in the neighbor spent a time playing in an inflatable pool in the backyard.
Friday, July 06, 2007
ゴルフレッスン (Golf Lesson)
Today was my grandson's first day of his golf lesson so I tagged along there with him. Everybody met at a driving range. There were 8 boys probably around 4-7 years old. An instructor explained a bit and they all started practicing. Most of the kids were small so they seem to have a hard time just swinging a club. But after I watched them practicing for a while, everybody got better. My grandson listened his instructor very carefully and tried to do exactly what he said. He was practicing hard. I didn't hear what he thought about the lesson but hopefully he was looking forward to going to the next lesson.
最終日 (Florida Trip - Last Day)
We checked out our condo at 10:00 AM. (the picture shows the room where I slept for the past 7 nights). Since our flight was around 5:00 PM, we decided to go to a small amusement park to kill our time. It had a big video arcade, go-carts, a small train for pre-school kids and merry-go-round. Many people had children with them but didn't look like there were lines for rides nor games. At night, our flight was on time and we came back to our house in Michigan around 9:00 PM.
ディズニーワールド観光六日目 (Florida Trip - 6th Day)
Today we headed to Disney Epcot Center. It was the coolest day since we came to Florida - but since I haven't been exercising, I felt like I have done my one year worth of walking since I came to Florida and I was very tired. I guess I'm old. But this was our last theme park, so I kept walking. One side of this park was a "world showcase", and there, I saw bits and pieces of different countries such as U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Chine and Japan. Each of the country sells authentic wares and presents the shows from the homeland. My grandson loved the ride in Mexico (some Disney characters also appeared in the ride). He rode three times.
ディズニーワールド観光五日目 (Florida Trip - 5th Day)
We took a break from going to a park today. We went to a pool at the condo. We didn't really swim - just splash the water. At the pool side, there were two ping pong tables and also video games. So we played there some, too. My most favorite thing to do was to relax in a jacuzzi pool. At night, we went to a restaurant and ate delicious steak. I was glad we were able to relax today.
ディズニーワールド観光四日目 (Florida Trip - 4th Day)
We went to Sea World today. We saw a seal/walrus show and an orca show. At the orca show (the famous "Shamu" show), the orca splashed the water to the crowds in front. It's not just "splashed", people who were sitting in front were drenched. We were watching the show in high up so unfortunately we didn't get splashed - the reason I said "unfortunately" was it's a really hot and humid day and I was sweating even by sitting to see the show. At the park, I saw a manatee. It looked kind like a strange fish. It looked like a "dugong". Some of them swam very slow; some were a bit faster. We also took a special penguin tour. Unfortunately, I didn't understand what the guide said even though she was explaining a lot. In the end of the tour, all the participants (about 20 of us) got to touch a penguin. The penguin was softer than I thought. It had very nice feathers. Before leaving the park, we fed a dolphin and went back to our condo.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
ディズニーワールド観光三日目 (Florida Trip - 3rd Day)
Today, we went to Disney Animal Kingdom. We rode a ride which takes us to see the wild animals (it's like the one in a safari park). We also saw Lion King show and other unusual animals in the park. It was very entertaining. In the early evening (around 4:00 PM - it's still very light!), we saw a parade. We saw many people in stuff animal suits, some dancers who were about 3 m tall (don't know what they were wearing - probably stilts), and many others with a lot of make-up. It was very fun to watch the parade. I appreciated that they worked very hard entertaining us in the hot weather.
(His daughter's comment: On this day, at night, my father was mumbling something in the kitchen. I heard he was saying to himself, "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...". He was staring at his whiskey bottle and worried if his whiskey would run out before we leave Florida. Lucky for him, his whiskey did not run out.)
ディズニーワールド観光二日目 (Florida trip - 2nd Day)
Today we went to Magic Kingdom. The layout of this park is pretty much same as Tokyo Disneyland. There are a lot of attractions and rides. We avoided the attractions for which we had to wait for more than 30 minutes, and we planned to go through a lot of rides. But the park was really big and I was tired just walking around the park. There were many people from many different countries. I haven't seen this many people for a while. The parking was big, all the rides/attractions were big - even the food/drink came big size. Since everything was so big, I thought we didn't have to be in any lines but I was wrong. In the end, we only managed to see five attractions. (we left early...)
ディズニーワールド観光一日目 (Florida trip - 1st Day)
だ、一日目はのんびり過ごすことに決めた。夕食を日本食でもと思い寿司、うな丼等の看板が出ている店に入り、寿司、牛丼と天婦羅うどんを注文、出てきた食事はとんでもない寿司や牛丼で殆ど残してしまった。 あれでは日本食はこんなものかと思われてしまう。
だ、一日目はのんびり過ごすことに決めた。夕食を日本食でもと思い寿司、うな丼等の看板が出ている店に入り、寿司、牛丼と天婦羅うどんを注文、出てきた食事はとんでもない寿司や牛丼で殆ど残してしまった。 あれでは日本食はこんなものかと思われてしまう。
I came back from Florida last night around 9:00 PM. I will be writing about my Florida trip in my blog. On June 27, four of us were supposed to take a flight to Orland around 7:30 PM. However, due to the bad weather, the airplane had 4 hours delay. So, we arrived our condo (rented for a week) around 3:00 AM on the following day (his daughter's comment: Good thing he brought some whiskey with him... I don't think the liquer store was open that late). As soon as we got there, we went to bed. The condo had 3 bedrooms and had 2 bathrooms. Of course, it was furnished. There were a quite numbers of buildings in that gated community. It had a management office and a pool - I thought it was very nice. On the following day, we decided to relax a bit. At night, we went to a Japanese restaurant... well, so we thought... The restaurant we went had a sign said "unadon" (eel bowl), we thought it was an authentic restaurant. Boy, were we wrong! We ordered Sushi, Gyudon (beef bowl) and tempura udon. But the food was really bad we couldn't eat them. I wish the restaurant didn't advertise as a "Japanese" restaurant. Other people might think "Japanese food" in general is really bad and they might not want to try ever again. (his daughter's comment: He didn't write it but in the morning, he and my husband went to buy some whiskey for him so he was all set during our Florida trip).
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
荷造り (packing)
Today, my daughter and her husband went to work. I babysat my grandson. We watched TV and played together. I can't communicate with my grandson by talking but we communicated by gestures. We are going to Florida's Disney World tomorrow. I started packing for a week trip. This is my first time in Florida and I am sure I will have a good time. I am taking a break from my blog for one week during my trip.
Monday, June 25, 2007
アイスクリーム (icecream)
Today's my grandson's drum lesson day. Once again I tagged along with him. Before the lesson, we stopped by an ice cream shop. My grandson, my daughter, and I, all ordered a different flavor. I ordered chocolate ice cream. It's really delicious and cheap compared with Japan - it's about 200 yen. I could eat more but I didn't want to get sick by eating too much ice cream so I didn't eat all. After the ice cream, my grandson went to the lesson and my daughter and I looked around the stores near there. All three stores we went were really big and I couldn't see all in 45 minutes.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
水遣り (sprinklers)
I water our yard everyday - it's becoming my daily task. I move around two sprinklers (with hoses) and gave water to the grass. It usual takes for about 2 hours total. Because it's hot here now, it's sort of fun... don't mind splashing water to myself. During the hot weather, the grass requires a lot of water and sometimes also need the stuff to kill some noxious insect. The town my daughter lives has a lot of trees and grass around houses so we have to put some effort taking care of yard just to keep up the neighbors. That means it takes some money and time. For somebody like me who is just here for two months, it's actually sort of fun, though.
Today, I bought a lottery. This is a "scratch" game - I had to use a penny to scratch off many places. I bought a ticket for $5.00 and I won $10.00! I will use the winning $10.00 to buy more scratch games (I can buy one ticket from $2.00).
Saturday, June 23, 2007
ハイキング (hiking)
It's Saturday today so everybody was off. After eating a late breakfast, we decided to go hiking. There was a big park about 20 minutes car ride from the house. I said "park" but it's not a "park" you can think in Japan. It's really big and there was a 13 km horse riding track. So it's like a forest. Most of the place is flat but some minor hills. While walking, I heard a lot of birds chirping, saw black squirrels, a dear, a small snake. I also saw a turtle and small fish in a pond. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about trees so I couldn't tell what sort of trees growing there. We enjoyed walking about 5 km for 2 hours. On the way home, we had a dinner at a Mexican restaurant. There, we enjoyed food and a Mariachi live performance. I used to live in Mexico so I felt nostalgic.
Friday, June 22, 2007
日本食とWiiソフト (Japanese food and Wii)
My daughter was off today so she and I went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch. The restaurant offered many Japanese food such as ramen, soba, tempra, etc. We ordered Unadon (Eel bowl). Unadon came with a big bowl (everything in US is big). Also, came with a big bowl of salad and miso soup - I couldn't finish it. I don't want to comment about the taste of the Unadon because the taste is a subjective matter... but it cost about 1,200 Yen including the tip so I thougth it's a pretty good deal. In the evening, my son-in-law came home with a new Wii game. My grandson read the instruction (see the picture) and started playing the game right away. I heard my son-in-law told my daughter, he couldn't resist buying another Wiil game... My daughter and I had a good time at a Japanese restaurant, and my son-in-law and my grandson had a good time playing a new Wii game - it was another happy day!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
蛙 (frog)
The sun's been really strong, so we have been watering the grass every day and mowing every 7-10 days. The grass grow everywhere around the house - in front of the house and backyard - so it takes long time to mow. When my son-in-law was ready to mow, he found a frog. I don't know what kind of frog but it's small and very quiet. I put a frog on my hand but the frog didn't try to run away. Actually, instead of running away, he almost fell sleep on my hand. After my son-in-law watched the frog for a while, he started mowing. It took about one hour for him to finish the job.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
スペースシャトル (space shuttle)
昨日午前中まで降っていた雨が上がり夜になって快晴、午後10時半西から東の空へひときわ輝いて飛んでいくスペースシャトル、スペースステーション2機、家の真上を通過して行く、こんなにはっきり見えるとは思っていなかたのでびっくり、約3~4分位かな見上げている頭上を通過して行った。 (写真はよく取れなかったけど、よく見ると二つ光っているものがみえます)。
Yesterday, it rained until noon but we had a clear sky last night. Last night, around 10:30 PM, I went outside and saw two bright star-like objects moving from west to east directly about the house. They were a space shuttle and a space station! I watched them for 3-4 minutes until they disappeared. I didn't think I could see them that clearly, so I was surprised. (the picture didn't turn out well... but if you look at it closely, you can see two shiny objects).
After that, I went to the backyard to smoke. Perhaps because we had a rain in that morning, I saw many firefly. It was a time to see all "shining" stuff last night. I felt lucky.
Yesterday, it rained until noon but we had a clear sky last night. Last night, around 10:30 PM, I went outside and saw two bright star-like objects moving from west to east directly about the house. They were a space shuttle and a space station! I watched them for 3-4 minutes until they disappeared. I didn't think I could see them that clearly, so I was surprised. (the picture didn't turn out well... but if you look at it closely, you can see two shiny objects).
After that, I went to the backyard to smoke. Perhaps because we had a rain in that morning, I saw many firefly. It was a time to see all "shining" stuff last night. I felt lucky.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
猫2匹 (two cats)
It was raining this morning. I woke up with sound of thunder this morning. It's been a clear day every day for a week so I thought it's nice to get some rain but it stopped before noon. I stayed home today with two cats. I don't know what sort of cats they are. Both of them are male. The one with longer hair is "Panda" and the chubby one is "Mgarr" (pronounce EM-Jar) who walks around the house leisurely. The cat scratches are everywhere on the carpet and on the wall. (Yesterday,) we went to buy cat food. The place we went was like a big supermarket for "pets". They sell all kind of pet related stuff in the store.
Monday, June 18, 2007
ドラム (drum)
My grandson had a drum lesson this evening so I went to see it with my daughter. The music school (Axis Music Academy) offers individual lessons for piano, guitar, drum, etc. There are about 10 small rooms in the building, and in each room, a music teacher gives a lesson to a student. The lesson lasted for 30 minutes for my grandson. I don't have any music background, but I thought he played really good as 5 years old.
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